You may wish to keep in contact and find out more, or you may just be interested in the history of these brave young men and women. To become a member of the Association and receive our bi-annual magazine, the Nickel, please download the 77 SQ ASSOCIATION  MEMBERSHIP FORM in the Documents box which is on the right of this page if viewed on a computer, or below if viewing on a mobile or tablet, and either post it to us or scan the document and email it to

The subscription is £10.00 a year (£15.00 for overseas to include a printed and mailed magazine; £10 for an emailed magazine), though donations towards the work of the association as well are always welcome!

If you would like to give a one-off donation in gratitude for research help perhaps, or prefer to pay direct, these are our bank details below. Please include a reference as to why you are donating :

Account Name: 77 Squadron Association

Account Number: 92348036

Sort Code: 09 01 28

Thank you!