Membership is the lifeblood of the Association. As a member you receive our bi-annual magazine, the Nickel, packed with information and research and, above all know that you are keeping the memory of the squadron alive, both phsically at Elvington in the History Room and on the internet here for all to find out about us.

You can complete the online form below. Alternatively, if your prefer, you may download and print the PDF document from the box on the right of this page if viewed on a computer, or below if viewing on a mobile or tablet, and post it to us, or scan/copy/photograph it and email to

The subscription is £12.00 a year (£17.00 for overseas to include a printed and mailed magazine; £12 for an emailed magazine), though donations towards the work of the association are always welcome! Members joining in the last three months of the year will get a full year’s membership.

Existing members should renew on or before the 1st January for the following year. You can set up a standing order or a direct debit, but do let us know if you are doing so.

Our bank details are below. If paying direct, please include a reference, such as “Donation” or “Sub”.

Account Name: 77 Squadron Association

Account Number: 92348036

Sort Code: 09 01 28

International members will also need this:

IBAN: GB43ABBY09012892348036

Thank you for your support