Our Reunions are great opportunities to meet like-minded people who share an interest in 77’s history. Many are descendants of the veterans who are sadly no longer with us. This year we are getting together at Elvington on the 21st September for a day exploring the museum, holding a chapel service, sharing a special buffet lunch and organising the AGM of the Association for you to meet the new committee and plan the way forward.
The museum contains the 77 Squadron History Room and the squadron’s memorial as well as wonderful exhibitions and aircraft including the Halifax and the Dakota. You may want to visit the parish church of Holy Trinity Elvington, to see the beautiful stained glass window dedicated to the squadron.
It costs just £16.50 per person. Please register before the 1st September but we’d love to hear from you earlier! If you need to book accommodation, we recommend you do this as soon as possible.

With the mighty Halifax 2022

Ceremony at the Memorial 2019,