Our film about 77 squadron, featuring unique footage of veterans’ stories and the history of the squadron, is available on DVD and with specially-designed and donated cover art by Brian Gaunt.Artwork

Tracing the history of the squadron through both world wars and afterwards, the film includes scenes of the association’s reunions and ceremonies, family memories and moving interviews with veterans describing their time with the squadron.

The cost of making the film was financed by family members of our association and the narration is by radio announcer, narrator and presenter, Richard Clegg who gave his services free of charge. He says: “It was such a pleasure to be able in some small way to contribute to the memory of the brave and selfless Second World War veterans to whom we all owe so much.”

Most of the former aircrew interviewed for the film over the past decade have now passed away, but we were determined that their voices and memories were captured for posterity. A Heritage Lottery funded extract of the interviews will be used at the Yorkshire Air Museum to help tell the story of the airfield, the aircraft and the people who flew and serviced them.

Chairman of the air museum, Martin Withers DFC, said: “At the museum, situated on the site of Elvington Airfield, you will see examples of both the Halifax and the Dakota aircraft as flown by 77 Squadron. Watching this film one realises how valuable are recordings such as this and must recognise the forethought of 77 Squadron Association for organising and funding the filming.”

The film was compiled and untiringly edited by Van Wilson, whose father was a pilot with the squadron, with filming by Rachel Semlyen and York company, Parashoots. It was produced by Ollie Bostock of Hewitt and Walker of York.

To obtain your copy of this 45 minute DVD, The Story of 77 Squadron, at £12 to include postage and packing, £15 for overseas, contact info@77squadron.org.uk

11th May 2021 | Categories: Uncategorised | Tags: dvd, film